Jakarta, IO – The General Elections Commission revealed that 48 regions in Indonesia only have one candidate pair in uncontested races dubbed “blank boxes” in the 2024 Regional Elections. According to KPU technical director Idham Holik, the 48 regions consist of 42 regencies, five cities and one province (West Papua).
After the registration was open from August 27-29, KPU saw 1,518 pairs registering their candidacy to contest the simultaneous elections in November. Idham said the registration process went smoothly and orderly.
“Everything can be handled even though there were some issues in certain areas, especially administrative ones, for example, submission of documents near the deadline,” said Idham, as per Katadata, Fri (30/8).
KPU monitored the implementation of the registration of gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates in all regions, including the newly-established autonomous region of the West Papua to ensure that all process was in order according to applicable regulations. (un)