Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 08:25 WIB

JNM Bloc & Casa Wirabrajan: New creative scene in aesthetic Jogja


IO – With the holiday season coming, Yogyakarta is expanding its choice of holiday destinations: not only one but two new creative places, packed with
arts and local cultural objects for the public to enjoy. Local artists, people
of Jogja and tourists have been looking forward to the opening of JNM (Jogja National Museum) Bloc and Casa Wirabrajan, which was finally launched last October 21.

Situated at Amri Yahya Road, Gampingan, Wirobrajan, JNM Bloc and Casa Wirabrajan are occupying the historical asset of The Indonesian Academy of Art in Yogyakarta ASRI, (now Indonesia Art Institute) whose land was granted by the late Hamengkubuwono IX or HB IX—who was an Indonesian statesman and royal—back in the 1950s. The 1.4 hectares of creative public space was inaugurated by both The Foundation of Yogyakarta Seni Nusantara (YYSN) and a creative economy placemaking company, Radar Ruang Riang (RRR).

JNM Bloc & Casa Wirabrajan: New creative scene in aesthetic Jogja

In his visit to ASRI back in 1955, Soekarno, the frst President of Indonesia, lifted the spirits of the artists of Yogyakarta with a remark. He encouraged the notion that Indonesian Independence had carved out a space for artistic expression and therefore the freedom of expressing through art should fly with the eagles.

Hence, ASRI has produced maestros: Sapto Hudojo, Saptoto, I Nyoman Gunarsa, Edhi Sunarso, Amri Yahya, Djoko Pekik, Widayat, and G. Sidharta, fgures whose artistic works are famous worldwide.

“JNM recorded a swift of art revolution and changes over the last few years, as it has been the venue for prestigious art and cultural events, namely, Art Jog and Biennale Jogja,” declared KPH Wironegoro, Head of YYSN.

JNM Bloc & Casa Wirabrajan: New creative scene in aesthetic Jogja

Jakarta’s sister public-creative-space M Bloc is expected to work in partnership and add value and unique character to JNM Bloc collaborative project.

“Currently, several fashion, photo and F&B (food and beverage) tenants have moved into spaces in JNM Bloc’s pavilion; the number is still growing,
along with the finishing of the planned sites,” explained Handoko Hendroyono, representing RRR during the JNM Bloc opening ceremonial.

JNM Bloc, which occupies 4,000 square meters in the frst stage of the
structure, will start its second-stage construction of an additional 10,000
square meter area in 2022. JNM Bloc has been operating since August
2021, and is open to the public from Monday to Thursday from 12 a.m. to
9 p.m. and 11 on weekends.


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