Thursday, April 18, 2024 | 19:15 WIB

House Committee III: “We will work on KPK commissioners fit and proper test day and night”


IO, Jakarta The House (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat – “DPR”)’s Committee III Chairman, Aziz Syamsuddin has said that a fit and proper test on the Corruption Eradication Commission’s Leader Candidates (Calon Pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi – “Capim KPK”) might be implemented in the upcoming week if President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) immediately submits the procedures for the test to the DPR.  However, he thinks that the Capim KPK Fit and Proper Test cannot be performed within the current tenure. The President’s letter concerning Capim KPK must first be read out in the Plenary Meeting. “If the Letter is not yet included in the DPR’s Plenary processes and Committee III has not made any delegations, we cannot run the Capim KPK selection yet,” he said at the Parliamentary Complex in Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday (02-09-2019).

The Selection Committee (Panitia Seleksi – “Pansel”) for Capim KPK has submitted 10 names to President Jokowi on Monday (02-09-2019) afternoon. DPR will only start the fit and proper test when the President has submitted all ten names. In the Test, DPR Committee III will be reviewing the vision, mission, and motivation of the candidates for submitting their candidacy as Capims for KPK.

Similarly to Aziz, Committee III DPR member Herman Hery stated that it is not a problem if the Capim KPK Fit and Proper Test is not performed by current DPR members and performed by 2019-2024 newly elected DPR members. However, if the President submits the names now, the current Committee III of DPR can perform the Fit and Proper Test within three days. “We will be working day and night for this purpose,” he said.

Vice Chairman of DPR’s Committee III from The Great Indonesia Movement (Gerakan Indonesia Raya – “Gerindra”) Party Faction Desmond J. Mahesa stated that Jokowi might delay or even reject the current results of the Pansel Capim KPK selection if he smells something funny. “I should say that we remind Mr. Jokowi if there is something wrong with the procedures, he can impose a necessary delay or cancellation,” he said.

The Pansel Capim KPK was created by Jokowi; therefore, they should discuss their results with him first. “The Pansel is actually Mr. Jokowi’s representative. If he wants to get the best candidate, he should ask the Pansel to consult with him before naming the 10 candidates. After all, it is the President’s subordinates. It is only natural for them to consult with the President first,” Desmond said.

Desmond repeats that DPR is currently waiting for Jokowi’s submission of the names of the KPK candidates. “We in DPR are waiting to officially know who the 10 candidates may be. When the Pansel submits the names to the President, he will issue a Presidential Mandate (Amanat Presiden – “Ampres”) to DPR and request to perform the Fit and Proper Test. The Mandate will contain reasons behind the Pansel and the President allowing these people to pass. We of Committee III will discuss it afterwards,” he said. (Dan)


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