Jakarta, IO – The government has issued Government Regulation (PP) 28/2024 as implementing regulation on Law 17/2023 (Health Law). One article on reproductive health includes the provision of contraceptives to teenage students.
The article, which does not specify the context, immediately drew rebuke from the public, especially on social media. This prompted the Health Ministry (Kemenkes) to respond.
According to Kemenkes spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi, the provision is solely for married teenagers. “It is for teenagers who are married and want to postpone pregnancy until when it is considered safe relative to their age,” said Nadia, as per Tirto, Tue (6/8).
She emphasized that further details on the implementation mechanism, including supervision and sanction, will be regulated through a Health Ministerial Regulation.
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House Committee X deputy chairman Abdul Fikri Faqih previously denounced the provision contained in the government regulation. He was of the view that providing contraceptive facilities for school students is tantamount to allowing a culture of promiscuity among students.
Abdul also emphasized the importance of counseling assistance for students and teenagers, especially education regarding reproductive health through the lens of religious norms and moral values. (un)