Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 16:59 WIB

Food industry Halal certification for micro and small enterprises

Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin
Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Professor of Agricultural Economics at UNILA, Board of Commissioners and Senior Economist at INDEF, and President of ISAE (Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics-PERHEPI)

Recommendations for accelerating halal certification 

First, the upstream agricultural and livestock sectors must be improved by increasing the number of halal-certified abattoirs as the first link in the halal value chain, especially for meat products and their derivative products. 

Second, the availability and capacity improvement of competent halal supervisors and PPH assistants for MSEs must be accelerated. Therefore, shortcomings or deficiencies can be anticipated before the formal audit by conducting a proper internal audit beforehand. 

Third, MSEs should simultaneously apply for halal certification to the BPJPH and the Halal Audit Agency. MSEs may select the Halal Audit Agency in their region, particularly for products marketed at local and national levels. The Halal Audit Agency can audit without having to wait for a document receipt from the BPJPH. 

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Fourth, the number of human resources in the BPJPH who are competent to handle halal certification registration must be increased, at least to expedite the data verification and validation in the field. 

Fifth, the Halal Fatwa should be decentralized to the regional MUI, especially for MSE products marketed locally at regional and national levels. The Central MUI can focus more on MSEs products for national and global markets.