Friday, September 13, 2024 | 20:26 WIB

Cikarang National Data Center to be operational early next year


Jakarta, IO – The Communications and Information (Kominfo) Ministry has set the target for the National Data Center (PDN) in Cikarang, West Java, to be operational in 2025. The 16,000-sqm facility will be secured by internal and external systems.

Kominfo will also continue to review the data backup and the design of the facility. As the ministry tasked with managing PDN, Kominfo in the early stages of operation will use a managed service scheme or services managed by a third party in the early stages of the operation. Despite this, Kominfo will continue to provide assistance to third parties.

“What is clear is that it will be active maybe early next year,” said the ministry’s informatics applications director general Hokky Situngkir, as per Katadata, Mon (12/8).

In addition, the National Cyber ​​and Encryption Agency (BSSN) will also be involved in ensuring that the security aspects of PDN are optimal. This facility was built according to the highest Tier 4 standards to ensure uninterruptible operation and the use of world-standard water cooling system.

“Since the beginning, we have involved BSSN in the evaluation of several aspects. They also provided critical notes, recommendations and assessments,” said Hokky.

The PDI was built using the government-to-government financing scheme with assistance from the French government. The Indonesian government received a loan worth 164,679,680 euros (Rp2.7 trillion). 

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It boasts 25,000 core processor with 200 terabit memory. The maximum storage capacity reaches 40 petabytes (40 million gigabytes) and a power capacity of 20 megawatts which can be increased to 80 megawatts.

Meanwhile, the surrounding area will be focused on providing cloud computing services and high-level industries. The facility was built on five hectares of land with a building area of ​​almost 16,000 square meters.

The project was in the spotlight after the temporary PDN was attacked by ransomware attack on June 20, affecting hundreds of government agencies. Currently, 90 percent of the affected public services have been recovered. (bp)


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