Jakarta, IO – The private residence of House deputy speaker Rachmat Gobel is located in Bone Bolango regency, Gorontalo. The four burglars, identified as his workers, reportedly walked away with Rp845 million.
“We have arrested the four perpetrators. Two are adults and two are minors,” said Bone Bolango police chief Muhammad Ali, as per Detikcom, Mon (26/8).
Police revealed the perpetrators as Rachmat’s security guards Agung Pratama Iman (26) and Ikbal Ramadan Panigoro (23), and two teenagers identified as WG (16) and MK (16) who worked as specialist therapists.
Ali added that the perpetrators had planned to steal the victim’s money in several break-ins from June to July 2024.
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Prior to this, the same incident also happened at Rachmat’s traditional house on Irigasi Street, Toluwaya village, Bulango Timur district, Bone Bolango. The police investigating this case arrested the perpetrators on Monday (19/8).
“The money was stored in shoe boxes in the room of Mr. Rachmat Gobel’s younger brother, Abdullah Gobel,” said Alli. (un)