Saturday, October 5, 2024 | 23:50 WIB

Brig. Gen. Hendra reveals he was ordered by Ferdy Sambo to meet Brig. J’s family using private jet


Jakarta, IO – The Indonesian National Police officially named six generals and senior officers as suspects on charges of obstruction of justice in the murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat (Brig. J).

One of the suspects is Brig. Gen. Hendra Kurniawan who served as chief of the internal security bureau (Karopaminal) of the Internal Profession and Security Division’s (Div Propam). The case has been transferred to the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) for prosecution.

Hendra in the investigation report (BAP) admitted that he felt misled by the ex-internal profession and security division (internal affairs) chief Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo relating to the scenario to cover up Brig. J’s murder, CNN Indonesia reported on Monday (5/9).

Hendra said during his term as Karopaminal under Sambo, he always carried out superior orders and his duties without fail, including when Sambo ordered him to meet Brigadier J’s family in Jambi, shortly after the murder. He flew there using a private jet.


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