Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 14:21 WIB

BCA’s achievements in Indonesia’s sustainable finance


IO – PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (“BCA”), as an integral part of our national financial system, unceasingly supports and contributes to Indonesia’s economy through various sectors, among others in sustainable finance. BCA builds our economic future through its efforts to achieve Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).

BCA’s latest efforts to motivate as many people as possible to participate in sustainable finance do not go unnoticed. Mix Marcomm magazine presented BCA with several awards: Sustainability Warrior Top Leader for BCA President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja, Sustainability Warrior Team for BCA’s CSR Task Force, Best Corporate Sustainability Initiatives Creative Philanthropy for its PPBP and PPTI programs, and Best Corporate Sustainability Initiatives Creating Shared Values for its Tourism Village Mentoring and Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Business Mentoring programs. Inge Setiawati, BCA’s CSR EVP, recently “virtually-accepted” the awards on their behalf.

“Sustainable finance is a current BCA current development priority, through its various #BCAForSustainability advance programs. We institute action to actualize this condition through our Bakti BCA (“BCA Devotional”) program and its supporting aspects. We are fully aware that sustainable development is meant to develop a society that can grow and prosper in terms of the environment, health, culture, and empathy. Our advance programs are all meant to harmonize with the overall mission of sustainability,” Jahja declared.

BCA’s prioritized Development Goals are shown in the three pillars
of its Bakti BCA program: Bakti Pendidikan (“Educational Devotion”), Bakti Sinergi (“Synergic Devotion”), and Bakti Komunitas (“Community Devotion”). Each of these pillars focuses on a different aspect of development, allowing BCA to organize its noble activities better.

Bakti Pendidikan is BCA’s support program for education in Indonesia, all the way from Elementary School to University. The SDGs that it seeks to achieve are “quality education”, “decent work”, “economic growth”, and reduced inequalities. It is implemented in the BCA Business and Banking Development Program (Program Pengembangan Bisnis dan Perbankan – “PPBP”) and Informatics Engineering Educational Program (Program Pendidikan Teknik Informatika – “PPTI”). Other programs in the Bakti Pendidikan scheme include guidance and partnership for schools and other educational institutions, scholarships for 18 national colleges, teacher training in Eastern Indonesia, financial literacy educational schemes, digital finance webinars, and literacy and numeracy competitions for Elementary and Middle School students.

Bakti Sinergi is a set of programs meant to advance our culture, environment, health, and empathy levels. BCA’s initiatives and programs in this scheme include free cataract operations, conservation of orangutans and turtles, mangrove forest rehabilitation, preservation of wayang kulit, and programs for mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. The SGDs BCA focus on in this scheme are: “good health and well-being”, “quality education”, “climate action”, “life below water, life on land”, and “peace, justice, and strong institutions”.

Bakti Komunitas is BCA’s sustainable community mentoring program with a primary focus on developing micro, small, and medium-sized businesses and tourism villages in Indonesia. It also organizes many inspirational webinars to help tourism village administrators remain optimistic amid the pandemic, as well as various training sessions to sharpen micro, small, and medium-sized businesses and tourism villages’ strategic abilities and competencies. The SDGs being pursued in this scheme are “quality education”, “gender equality”, “decent work and economic growth”, “industry, innovation, and infrastructure”, “reduced inequalities”, and “climate action”.

“BCA is proud to be one of the movers of ESG activities in the banking sector – and to win these awards. They will of course spur our CSR Team in motivating people and encouraging them to care for the sustainability of our environment even more. In the future, we will continue to provide creative, innovative programs that serve our priority of developing Indonesia sustainably, through banking and finance,” Inge said.


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