Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 13:12 WIB

Bayah – the remaining traces of Romusha

Sawarna beach of Bayah. (IO/Muhammad Hidayat)

Independent Observer took the opportunity to document the traces of Indonesian Romusha in Bayah District, Lebak, South Banten. We were able to meet former Romusha who had worked in coal mines, oil palm plantations and road and railway construction, from Bayah to Saketi. 

Sarjo, 96 years of age, admitted that he had worked as a Romusha. After meeting Sarjo, we turned to study the foundation of the Japanese era-built railway line, completed with much suffering by Romusha. 

A view of the Japanese railway track bed, overgrown with wild plants. (IO/Muhammad Hidayat)

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The gentle waves on the south coast were a silent witness to the suffering of thousands of people during the Japanese occupation of Bayah. The story of Romusha is a dark page of history we must never forget. Today’s generation may enjoy liberty and currently pleasant times, but our lives are inseparable from the people’s struggles in the past, referring to those who were willing to die to defend and achieve our independence. 

“Never forget history” – Bung Karno. (Muhammad Hidayat)

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