Jakarta, IO – The beauty of Indonesia is not only in its stunning nature. Its unique and diverse culture also attracts domestic and foreign tourists.
According to kemenparekraf.go.id, Thursday (9/3), one of the most remarkable traditions and culture can be found at the Amantubillah Palace in the Pedalaman village, East Mempawah, West Kalimantan.
Amantubillah Palace is a throne of the Kingdom of Mempawah. The name itself means “I Believe in Allah,” which signifies a kingdom that embraced Islamic. But interestingly, in ancient times the Kingdom of Mempawah was a Dayak-Hindu Kingdom.
Even though the Mempawah Kingdom had long since gone, the splendor of the Amantubillah Palace was still well preserved. Access to locations is also fairly easy. Visitors only need to take two hours drive from Pontianak.