Tuesday, April 16, 2024 | 20:36 WIB

A farmer in Kudus finds fossil of ancient elephant


A farmer in Kudus finds fossil of ancient elephant
A conservation activity at the Patiayam Archaeological Museum, Kudus, Central Java. (Source: Instagram @museum_situspatiayam)

He revealed that the condition of the elephant tusk was still intact and in good condition. It will be transported to the museum.

“Based on the information from the expert team, the age of the fossil is between 750,000 to 1.5 million years. With the discovery of the elephant tusk fossil, so far there have been 40 ancient elephant tusks, with the longest one around 4 meters,” said Jamin.

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Meanwhile, 9,346 fossils have been found in Patiayam Site as of July. These include Stegodon trigonochepalus and Elephas Sp (ancient elephant species), Ceruss zwaani and Cervus Lydekkeri martin (deer), Rhinoceros sondaicus, Brachygnatus dubois (pig), Felis Sp (tiger), Bos Bubalus palaeokarabau (buffalo), Bos Banteng alaeosondaicus, Crocodilus Sp, and hand axes or chopper. (rr)


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